/ Boltanski x Boltanski /

“What I try to do through my work is pose questions and discuss philosophical issues through visual imagery rather than through stories put into words. I’m referring to very simple things that are common to us all. I’m not talking about complicated things. I try to get people to forget that my pieces are art: I want them to think that they are life itself. To convey this impression of life I use artificial means and art. This is not reality; mine is an exercise in drama. I try to make my spectators forget that they are in a museum.” Christian Boltanski

Archive images of some moments
of work with Boltanski at the Hotel de Inmigrantes and
The Former National Library, november 2011

  • 12.10
    Boltanski Buenos Aires Opening Ceremony

    Friday, October 12, Hotel de los Inmigrantes, 1.30 p.m.

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    Youtube Channel

    You can access all our video records of Migrants, Flying Books and Works in our YouTube Channel. Go to Channel Boltanski Buenos Aires